Genadi Arveladze Introduced DCFTA Implementation 2023 Report and 2024 Action Plan to Members of Parliament

Genadi Arveladze, Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, presented the 2023 report and the 2024 action plan on the implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement (DCFTA) with the European Union at the session of the European Integration Committee of the Georgian Parliament.

The Deputy Minister responded to the granting of candidate status to Georgia by the European Commission on December 14, 2023 and said that this fact is a recognition of the very intensive work done by Georgia and the results achieved. “This is a response to the country’s European aspiration, which is supported by the vast majority of our population; This is the answer to the strong will of the Georgian Government to do everything for the country’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration. Our next goal is to start negotiations for joining the European Union at the end of the year, for which we are actively preparing” – Genadi Arveladze said.

The Deputy Minister introduced to the parliamentarians the detailed information about the ongoing and scheduled reforms aimed at introducing the European standards in Georgia and bringing them closer to European practice. According to Arveladze, the legislation of Georgia is in line with more than 65% of the legislative acts of the European Union provided for within the DCFTA.

Genadi Arveladze noted that in 2023, exports from Georgia was increased in such important commodity positions as mineral water – by 17%, canned fruit and vegetables – by 46%, alcoholic beverages – by 27%, nitrogen fertilizers – by 94%, and others. “According to the data of 2023, the number of exporting companies in the European Union, compared to 2014, is increased by 78% and amounts to 1006 units. Since the implementation of the Agreement, the awareness of Georgian products has significantly increased in the EU market, and new products such as kiwi, dried lemon, persimmon, black currant, blueberry, apple, quince, fruit jams, fruit leather, Churchkhela (sort of Georgian snacks), animal furniture, glass bottles, plastic dishes, honey, fish flour have entered the market” – Genadi Arveladze noted and added that the Ministry is actively working in terms of promoting small and medium entrepreneurship, increasing its competitiveness and supporting them to enter new export markets.

Genadi Arveladze spoke in details about the cooperation with the European Union in trade, promotion of small and medium entrepreneurship, market supervision, standardization and metrology, accreditation, communications, public procurement and other areas.

The Deputy Minister also drew attention to the action plan of 2024 and the activities planned within its framework.

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