The Embassy of Turkmenistan in Georgia held an International online Conference dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan and the 75thAnniversary of the UN

On October 2, 2020, the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Georgia held an International online Conference dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan and the 75thAnniversary of the UN.

The Conference was attended by representatives of Diplomatic missions and International Organizations accredited in Georgia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Georgian Technical University, GrigolRobakidze University, Georgian mass media.

Ambassador of Turkmenistan in Georgia Mr.Dovletmyrat.Muratov, the UN Resident Coordinator in Georgia Dr.SabineMachl,  President of Georgia Red Cross Society and the Governing Board Member of IFRC Ms.NatiaLoladze, Head of Delegation  of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in South Caucasus Ms.OlgaDzhumaeva, Head of Delegation of International  Committee of  Red Cross (ICRC) in GeorgiaMs. SeverineChappaz,

Director of the Center for History, Geopolitics and Economic Research of the Caucasus of the Georgian Technical University Mr.NikolozMetreveli, Executive Director of TV 24, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Political Scientist, Honored Journalist of Georgia Mr.BadriNachkebia were addressed the conference.

Speakers congratulated Turkmen people on the significant date – 25th Anniversary of the Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan. They noted that having declared itself to be a neutral State, Turkmenistan adheres to the principles of good-neighbourliness, mutual respect, justice and equality and implements a foreign policy aimed at universal peace, security and well-being throughout the world. It was highlighted that Turkmenistan strongly believes in the future of the UN and will continue to strengthen and build up strategic partnership with this organization, thereby making its contribution to unlocking its inexhaustible potential in the interests of global peace, security and progress.

During the conference, it was also noted that another book of the President of Turkmenistan “Spiritual world of Turkmens” that has been published,will be interesting and useful to a wide readership.

Conference’s participants were shown a video dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Turkmenistan’s Neutrality.

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