Presentation of books by President of Turkmenistan took place in Tbilisi

On 19 April 2024, at Sokhumi State University, the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Georgia organized the presentation of books by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov “Youth is the support of the Motherland” and “Anau – culture from the depths of millennia”.

The presentation was attended by a Turkmen delegation headed by president of Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, academic staff and students of the University, as well as representatives of mass media.

The speakers noted that the President’s book of Turkmenistan “Anau – culture from the depths of millennia” is dedicated to the proclamation of the ancient city of Anau as the Cultural Capital of the Turkic world in 2024. This decision adopted at the meeting of the TURKSOY Permanent Council testifies to the high international prestige of Turkmenistan and recognition of the significant contribution of the Turkmen people to the development of human civilization.

The great importance of the work of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in studying and widely popularizing the glorious history and rich national cultural heritage of the Turkmen people was emphasized.

Having presented to the audience another book by the President of Turkmenistan “The Youth is the support of the Motherland”, the Turkmen delegation noted that the book highlights the activities and achievements of Turkmen youth in social, economic and cultural spheres, as well as about the tasks ahead of them for the further development of the Motherland.

During the presentation, it was also noted that this year Turkmenistan together with the world community celebrates the 300th Anniversary of the great Turkmen poet and philosopher Magtymguly Fragi, whose creative heritage, being an invaluable national treasure, has become an integral part of the treasury of world culture. The audience was informed about the celebrations held in Turkmenistan and abroad to mark this significant event.

At the end of the event, the books by the  President of Turkmenistan were handed over to the Sokhumi State University.

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