Winners of the “EU Prize for Journalism 2022” are announced

The eleventh awarding ceremony of the EU Prize for Journalism 2022 was held on February 3, 2023.

EU Ambassador in Georgia, Pawel Herczynski awarded the winners in seven categories covering print, broadcast, online, and photo journalism. The winner of the EU Monitoring Mission’s (EUMM) special prize for peace journalism awarded by Acting Head of the EUMM Mission in Georgia, Tibor Kozma.

EU Ambassador, Pawel Herczynski emphasized the importance of the EU Prize: “This is the first opportunity for me to host this very important and precious annual Award Ceremony of the EU Prize for Journalism. Let me start by saying how honored I am, as Head of the EU Delegation to Georgia.

I said ‘precious ceremony’ because we have succeeded in sustaining the EU Journalism Prize for over a decade.

Living through Covid and now through Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified war against Ukraine, made us all increasingly dependent on information.

But who to trust? In the world strongly affected by disinformation, misinformation, manipulation, polarisation, hate speech and other vices, this is the fundamental question.
While answering it, I believe we have no choice except for going back to basics – we need to trust journalism based on ethics and responsibility, which is at the core of quality journalism. And the recognition of quality journalism is the essence and purpose of the EU Prize. 

And here I would like to make a plea to all of you since there is much at stake this year in EU-Georgia relations. As you know, Georgia went a step further in its path towards the EU and received last year the European perspective. Georgia has now a unique opportunity to receive candidate status and as you know, one of the priorities is about ensuring free, professional, pluralistic and independent media environment. A challenge this year will be on communicating about the EU, the enlargement process, what it means and what it is about. And for that, we need professional journalists who inform the population accurately on such an important topic. It is very important that the society is aware of this process and does not fall into misconception.  I count on your support on that.

Coming back to the Journalism Prize, eleven years ago, we never thought the Prize would have become increasingly relevant. Starting with only three categories, we tried to be in step with the emerging multimedia platforms and innovative products and thus added more categories.

We are especially proud of adding another category last year – Best Student work in print, online and broadcast media. This shows our commitment to encouraging quality among the new generation of journalists.

What stands out in the works of the finalists is the choice of topics and the angle through which they are presented, demonstrating remarkable sense of responsibility. They make a huge impact by letting us read, watch and hear accurate, in-depth stories and well thought-out views. And present powerful images through photography.

The people who have meticulously read, seen and watched all the entries are the jury members who I warmly thank. I believe that due to the high quality of applications, you argued a lot while selecting the best.

Let me finally thank all those who are not among the finalists or winners. You help us fight bad journalism through professional and ethical one – this is the only way to jointly prevail over attempts to confuse and disorient us, using fake news and disinformation”.
EUMM Acting Head of Mission, Tibor Kozma:  This February marks one year since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Over the last year, we have all been witnessing with pain and sorrow the human suffering, tragic loss of life and displacement of millions of people. One year later, the end of this unprovoked war is, unfortunately, not yet in sight.
In any armed conflict, the importance of high-quality journalism is perhaps even greater than during peace times. When used irresponsibly or deliberately as a weapon, words can be as damaging as bullets. In fact, words can incite hatred and kill. The increased spread of hate speech, disinformation and false narratives over the last year have reminded us of this fact.
But as Georgia knows from its recent past, highly professional and ethical journalism is also essential in a time after armed clashes have ended. When journalists tell stories that bridge divided communities, they can help bring people together again, step by step. Because words also have the power to heal wounds. And I truly believe that outstanding journalism has the power to contribute to confidence-building and lasting peace.
That is why I am very proud today to award the EUMM Special Prize for Peace Journalism and celebrate together with you the professional achievements of journalists in Georgia. In particular, to celebrate local journalists whose independent and conflict-sensitive journalism contributed to confidence-building, one of the main goals of our Mission. In fact, this is the 10th year EUMM has been awarding this Prize, which shows the importance we attach to this recognition.
Now, please allow me to thank everyone who made this event possible: to the journalists for their dedication to their challenging profession, to the EU Delegation for organising the EU Journalism Prize and – last but not least – to the Institute for War and Peace Reporting, our partner for the EUMM award.”

The winners and finalists of the EU Prize for Journalism 2022 are:

A: Best story in print or online media
Winner: Nino Narimanishvili (JAMnews)
Honourable mentions: Khatia Khasaia(Online Magazine Sova.News), Nino Tarkhnishvili (Radio Liberty)
B: Best feature story in broadcast or online media
Winner: Ani Arveladze (“Droeba”, Formula TV) 
Honourable mentions:  Sofiko Vasadze (Radio Liberty), Vika Bukia (JAMnews)
C: Best investigative story in print, online, or broadcast media
Winner: Nino Ramishvili (Studio Monitor)
Honourable mentions: Marika Dudunia (Liberty Monitor), Tamar Gelashvili (Liberty Monitor)
D: Best online or print blog, opinion or column in print, online or broadcast media
Winner: Besik Papaskua (Indigo)
Honourable mentions: Jimsher Rekhviashvili (Radio Liberty), Khatia Tordua (
E: The most innovative and original piece of work in print, broadcast or online media
Winner: Tornike Metreveli (Indigo)
Honourable mentions: Nastasia Arabuli (Radio Liberty), Sofio Datishvili (Radio Liberty)
F: Best documentary photo reflecting EU values
Winner: Dina Oganova (Project 64)
Honourable mentions: Mariam Nikuradze (OC Media), Dato Koridze (Radio Liberty)
G: Best Student work in print, online or broadcast media
Winner: Kristine Gogaladze (Indigo)
Finalist: Saba Khitarishvili (Indigo)
H: EUMM special prize for peace journalism
Winner: Lela Kunchulia (Radio Liberty)
Honourable mentions: Levan Uridia(Adjara Television and Radio of the Public Broadcaster), Nino Samadashvili (Energynews).

The winners of the first seven categories will receive a cash prize of approximately 5,200 GEL each,  while the winner of the EUMM Special Prize will receive a one-month fellowship at the Institute of War and Peace Reporting in London. 

The winning works can be found at

About the EU Prize for Journalism 2022:
This year, 111 journalistic (photo) works published during November 30, 2021 – November 1, 2022 were submitted.

All entries were reviewed and assessed by a four-member jury, composed of local and international media professionals:

  • Margarita Antidze- Margarita has been reporting on all aspects of political and economic life in Georgia and the South Caucasus region since 1988. She has an extensive experience of working in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and other ex-Soviet republics, including coverage of conflicts, riots, major political events, as well as conferences, visits and summits. Margarita was one of the leaders of the Reuters team winning Political and General News Story of the Year in 2008 for coverage of the August war in Georgia.
  • Ekaterine Maghaldadze – is a multimedia journalist with 10 years of experience at Voice of America’s Georgian Service, based in DC. She hosts a weekly show as well as works for digital platforms, covering US foreign policy, US-Georgia relations, diaspora stories, etc. Before joining VOA Georgian she worked for an independent media outlet Liberali and used to cover different social and political issues, including environment, energy, cultural heritage. Eka is also GIPA – Caucasus School of Journalism and Media Management – graduate and used to work as a host and producer for the Radio GIPA.
  • Giorgi Lomsadze is a correspondent for EurasiaNet, a New York-based publication specializing in the former Soviet Union. He has 15 years of experience of covering news from the South Caucasus and the wider region. His work has been published in the major international publications such as the Wall Street Journal, NPR and the Guardian.
  • Nestan Nijaradze  is the artistic director and co-founder of the Tbilisi Photo Festival – the first international annual photo festival in Georgia – founded in 2010, and the Tbilisi Photography & Multimedia Museum – the first Georgian institution entirely dedicated to the contemporary image – inaugurated in 2019 in Tbilisi, Georgia. Both platforms use the medium of photography as a catalyst for social and cultural change in Georgia and the South Caucasus region Nijaradze has curated numerous exhibitions of international photographers in Georgia and abroad, promoting the vibrant emerging regional scene of visual artists as well as rich traditions of Georgian photography.

The jury had a consultative function while the final decisions were made by the EU Delegation in Georgia and the EUMM.

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